
日期:02-11 12:30:25| 考前模拟试题|45教学网| http://www.45sw.com

非谓语动词的基本用法_2017职称英语通关训练试题及答案是关于职称英语考试 - 考前模拟试题方面的资料,




  1. ___Sunday, the students are at home.

  A. Being

  B. To be

  C. It is

  D. It being

  2.The boy lay on his back, his teeth __and his glaring eyes ___.

  A.set; looked

  B. set; looking

  C. setting; looked

  D. setting; looking

  3.All the thing____,his proposal is of greater value than yours.

  A. considered

  B. considering

  C. to consider

  D. consider

  4.____who she was, she said she was Mr.Johnson’s friend.

  A. Asking

  B. Asked

  C. To be asked

  D. When asking

  5.He hurried to the station,___the 9:30 train had already left.

  A. to find

  B. found

  C. only to find

  D. only finding

  6.Which do you enjoy ___your weekends, fishing or watching TV?


  B.to spend

  C.being spent


  7.___all my letters, I had a drink and went out.


  B.Having finished


  D.To finish

  8.She had no money ___a birthday present for her children.

  A. to buy with

  B. buying

  C .bought

  D. with which to buy

  9.From the dates___on the gold coin, it is conformed that it was made five hundred years ago.

  A. marking

  B. marked

  C. to be marked

  D. having been marked

  10.____time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.

  A. To save

  B. Saved

  C. Saving

  D. Having saved


  1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D


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