
日期:02-11 12:26:29| 小升初英语|45教学网| http://www.45sw.com

2017小升初英语复习每日一练18是关于小升初辅导 - 小升初英语方面的资料,



  1. I had _____ unusual experience on Sunday.

  A. a B.an C.the D./

  2. Tom will visit our farm_____ two weeks.

  A.in B.after C.during D.on

  3. I had a hard time with science, so I wasn’t ___ to receive a disappointing result from my science teacher.

  A. surprised B. boring C.relaxed D.unhappy

  4. We will visit the Summer Palace if it _____ tomorrow.

  A. will rain B.rains C. won’t rain D. doesn’t rain

  5. Though Mike meets great trouble in English, I believe he can ____ it ____ because he is always hard-working.

  A. turn; over B. get; over C. take; over D. look; over

  6. – Would you mind closing the window? It’s very cold outside.

  -- ______. I’ll do it right away.

  A. Yes, I would B. No. thanks C. Of course not. D. Of course.

  7. _____ you are in trouble, you can call me, even at night.

  A. Wherever B. Whoever C. Whatever D. Whenever


  1. Nothing in the world is i______ if you make up your mind to do it.

  2. How long have you been C _____ stamps?

  3. I love Italy, e______ its summer.

  4. Lisa made great p_____ with the teachers’ help.

  5. Many f_____ tourist will come to watch the Olympics in August, 2008.




  1.B 解析:本题没有特指,应该用不定代词,加上unusual是以元音开头,应该用an.

  2. A 解析:in +一段时间,时态用一般将来时。

  3. A 解析:由于我在学习科学的过程中一直都比较不容易,所以在拿到一个令人失望的结果是并不惊讶。

  4. D 解析:条件状语从句,主将从现,(主句用一般将来时,从句中用一般现在时)

  5. B 解析:get over有克服困难的意思。Turn over翻转,take over有接管的意思,look over有仔细检查的意思。

  6. C 解析:本题属于习惯用法的考查。

  7. D 解析:whenever无论何时,从最后的even at night可以得出答案。


  1. impossible 解析:impossible不可能的,

  2.collecting 解析:本题难再时态,前面有been不是进行时就是被动态,本题用不需要用被动态,应该用进行时。

  3. especially 解析:especially尤其是

  4.progress 解析:make progress取得进步。

  5. foreign 解析:foreign外国的

www.45sw.com 2014小升初英语复习每日一练20

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